Soul Places

Befriending the Soul through Inquiry and Creativity

Tag: pearls of wisdom

An Interview with Pearls of Wisdom Author Marcelle Charrois

Marcelle Charrois

If I were wearing a hat today, I’d tip it to this phenomenal co-author of Pearls of Wisdom: 30 Inspirational Ideas to Live Your Best Life Now!  On second thought, I need that hat.  Read this while I go in search of one:

Marcelle Charrois is an enthusiastic byproduct of 15 years of private and public sector experience in training and human resources management as well as a firm believer in living fully and authentically from the heart. Her creative and innovative style and her determination to go the distance “No Matter What” has taken her many places.

Marcelle has been on an ongoing quest to find ways to stay connected with her true essence in order to live the life that she has always felt a deep calling to pursue.  She is currently expanding her coaching skill set as a participant in the year-long Accelerated Awakening Academy coaching certification program with Christian Pankhurst, Britain’s Top Coach. This powerful approach is focused on providing a safe and effective framework from which the coach facilitates the process of tapping into your own heart intelligence and to naturally bring about the lasting positive outcomes that may have eluded you for years.

Marcelle has always been very much in tune with her inner child. Anyone who meets her quickly becomes acquainted with her effervescent personality, keen sense of humor and understanding, and her heart-centered nature. It is no surprise that her next big project is to pen a series of children’s books and develop a multimedia children’s program which will promote the full expression and unfolding of children’s uniqueness and potential. You are invited to meet NIKO, our children book series’ Martian hero in a brief introductory video at

You can’t see me, but I’m busily tipping my hat to all Marcelle’s projects: past, present and future. Now for our interview:

Pearls of Wisdom

1.      How did you get into this collection of inspiration with folks like Jack Canfield?

For the past 2 years, I have coached fellow authors in the Messenger Mini-Books – Movement of Change program which was spearheaded by Habit of Attraction coach and founder Robert Evans in 2008. Having written and self-published my own book in the very first offering of the program, I went on to guide other first time and more seasoned authors through the creative process and the various publishing aspects including the copy and design of their book covers and manuscript editing. In August 2011, all the authors in this program were offered an opportunity to submit a chapter to be considered for inclusion in the Pearls of Wisdom book, and I was more than happy to send in a submission. A couple of months later, I received confirmation that I had been given the last available spot in the book. I am so thrilled at the amazing gift and opportunity it is to be on this journey alongside such seasoned bestselling authors as well as other bright stars in transformational leadership.

2.      What is your chapter about?

My chapter titled “Stop, Reverse and Celebrate!” presents a simple process that shows you how to reconnect with your intuitive instincts, true identity and passion while actively reversing the undesirable effects of social conditioning so you can not only live but celebrate the life that you are meant to live!

3.      What do you think makes this book unique and who would want to read it?

What is unique about this book is in fact the sum of its parts which are contributions from a unique combination of authors who have turned their grains of sand into pearls and wish to impart their individual ideas about living your best life in a way that is quickly assimilated and practical for you to use in today’s fast-paced world. Who would want to read it? Anyone who wishes for their life to be what their heart has always longed for will want to pick up this book and use it as a quick reference that they can open at any chapter and immediately apply practical ideas to get them there.

4.       What kind of wisdom do you have to offer the reader?

Over the past twenty five years, I have followed a deep-felt sense of purpose as I dedicated myself to various people-oriented roles such as life guarding, teaching swimming and water safety, and promoting health and wellness. While in the public sector, I coordinated a variety of human resources programs which included staff orientation and appreciation, performance management as well as promoting continuous learning and a healthy workplace.

In the late nineties I completed Sylva Bergeron three-phase self-actualization seminars where I inspired participants to break through their barriers by sharing my life experiences via speaking assignments that much resemble the Toastmasters’ format. In February 2002, I became a licensed facilitator with LifeSuccess Productions, and, for a period of time, I lead seminars and coached on the Law of Attraction in a 15-week teleseminar format.

I have been a student of spirituality for many years and have delved into various disciplines including yoga, meditation, metaphysics, and natural healing practices. The culmination of this experience and a broad spectrum of learning have enabled me to uncover insights that have allowed me to continue to learn from and transcend life’s challenges as well as create a life that honors my true passion for providing life-affirming coaching and support to the people that have graced my path.

5.      The publisher promises that the authors such as yourself are “up and coming” leaders in self-help.  How does the publisher know this and what is your expertise in “self-help”?

As a heart intelligence coach, I draw upon the above-mentioned wide-ranging background and experience to help people create their best life today. In my first book, “The Alien In Your Closet: Open the Door to Your Inner Child and Unleash Your True Destiny!”, I use my special brand of humor as I share a simple process by which the reader is reacquainted with their inner child and internal guidance system, reconnected with their unique gifts, and provided with tools to establish ways to express those gifts more freely and readily. I firmly believe that anyone who commits to taking this journey will be well equipped to rediscover their true worth and purpose, and will be empowered to create the life of their dreams!

6.      Most people know about Jack Canfield from the Chicken Soup books and Marci Shimoff from her Happy book … How would you like your readers to think of you?  What is your “signature niche”?

I help people transform old programming, obstacles and challenges into stepping stones to their deepest joy and passion and ultimately living the life they truly wish to create using a unique heart-centered approach. This approach facilitates the process of tapping into your own heart intelligence to naturally bring about the lasting positive outcomes that may have eluded you for years. It is what I call ‘True2HeartLiving’ and this is what constitutes my signature niche.

7.      We often hear that the “whole is greater than the sum of its parts” – how does that proverb apply to the 30 authors in this book?

Yes indeed! The power and greatness of the whole of this book is the galvanized intent of its parts to help others create their best life in the here and now! It is the wave that will empower many to produce the most beautiful pearls in their lives and contribute to the collective creation of a better world, one grain of sand at a time.

8.      What is your most central and compelling “pearl of wisdom”?

“The best life you can create for yourself is one that intimately knows, honors and expresses YOUR truth!”

9.      How can our readers/listeners find you?

You can find me on my website at

Thank you for your time and passions, Marcelle!

In Exceptional Company

Copyright Diane Ludeking 2011

Here at Soul Places I strive to share stories that reveal all the places my soul hides and shines while encouraging the reader to draw his or her own gems and insights from the piece.  Now there is a book (not mine – yet) with thirty such stories and today marks the beginning of the most audacious book blog tour I’ve ever seen, much less been a part of.

New York Times best-selling author Jack Canfield of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books, is at it again.  And three more New York Times best-selling authors have joined him and twenty-five of the best up and coming self-help authors to create Pearls of Wisdom: 30 Inspirational Ideas to Lead Your Best Life Now.

Not only is my good friend and nationally recognized animal communicator Asia Voight one of the gifted, compassionate authors, but I have the honor of introducing another one of these amazing people.  I am so excited about Marcelle Charrois‘ work and vision.  I just watched a video of her newest project and it’s really exciting – I can’t wait to share her with you!  Her interview will debut on my blog Wednesday, March 28th.  That’s only one week away.  And bound to be one of the most exciting posts yet!

Beginning today and going through the middle of May, this blog tour will include interviews of the authors and reviews of the book.  You can click here for the entire blog schedule.  Be sure to order your copy of the book at your local indie bookstore – release date is April first.

Tune in tomorrow when another friend of mine, Lauri Lumby, interviews an author at her blog, Authentic Freedom Ministries.  And then tune in every day until you say yes to getting the book.  It won’t take long.  See you next week!